Dual Purpose kennel


"Watching dogs working in the field that have proper conformation as well as field ability is a sight to behold. 
Many times the beauty of it takes my breath away." 

Brestwood's kennel is focusing on breeding dual purpose Gordon Setters. Dogs that are breed as close to the written standard as possible. Excellent hunting dogs, beautiful example of breed, that fits to breed standard, win show titles and champion titles.

I started my breeding program on female from pure Slovak and Czech bloodlines (old hunting and show bloodlines).

Why Slovak bloodlines?
Slovakia is one of the last countries in Europe, where all stud dogs have to pass hunting ability tests before they are used in breeding. All dogs in pedigree have both - show and hunting qualities. They are hunting dogs, show champions, awarded and health tested dogs. (All dogs have Hip dysplasia test scored A/A, equal to OFA/BVA excellent).

For one thing, a dog with correct conformation and efficiency of movement covers the ground better and can do it for a longer time than one that has conformation flaws. "The standards for the breeds are not designed just for show dogs," said Carl Liepmann, an AKC conformation judge who also is a hunter. 

Breeding dogs for both sport and show are becoming less and less common. Why? Here's what Geoffrey English said in an article her wrote for Gun Dogs Online (gundogsonline.com):

'Simply put, both areas have become so competitive in recent years that breeders in both the show ring and the field have changed what traits they breed for in order to be competitive. To be successful in the field, professional breeders must focus on breeding traits that are highly desirable during your typical day of shooting. In contrast, a show breeder must focus on traits that relate to the confirmation and structure of their breed. I once heard a gentleman summarize it nicely, 'Field breeders are producing the athletes and show breeders are producing the models'.

Photos of Slovak Gordon Setters:

More about Dual bred dogs:

Brestwood's kennel
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